February 2015: Life Cycles

Every month we try to create a theme that is close to the subject of the main assembly, which was kind of hard to do this month since the subject was sexual health. So, we finally settled on the topic of the life cycle! 

We had 8 kids join us this month with our littlest at 22 months and our oldest at 9 years old. Following singing and playing "Simon Says" with the older assemblers the kids went out to the patio to enjoy their own program. Before getting into the lesson the kids started off by singing a few songs like 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes' to help get their energy out.

Since the topic this month was on the life cycle our book this month was:


The book is always a hit with older and younger kids alike and just like the caterpillar in the book turned into a beautiful butterfly our craft focused on how a lady bug transforms. 





The teachers had to help some of our littlest kids make this craft but everyone had lots of fun coloring their lady bugs. The program concluded with coloring, a snack and other free play activities.

We are excited for this upcoming month where we will be discussing decisions, how we make them and making your own ending. Hope to see you there! 


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