How long is a Sunday Assembly?
The entire event is 1 hour and 45 minutes. The Assembly program runs for about 1 hr 15 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of coffee, treats, conversation, and community service sign-ups.
How often will Sunday Assembly San Diego meet?
Sunday Assembly San Diego is currently a monthly event that meets the 3rd Sunday of each month.

What’s a Media-Free Zone?
We’ve asked the press and our volunteer photographers/videographers not to take pictures or video in a certain seating section of the main hall. We can’t make guarantees, but this is your best shot at not being in the shot.

Are children welcome at Sunday Assembly?
Yes. All Assemblies are child-friendly, so your kids are welcome to attend the Sunday Assembly with you. We also have free child care available for kids 1.5 and older.

When will there be coffee and cake?
We have a coffee station setup before the Assembly starts, so you can get some coffee early. Additional coffee and snacks will be available as soon as the main program concludes.

How do I RSVP for the next one/find out more info/get on the mailing list?
Registering here at the website will get you on our mailing list, and you can always RSVP for Assemblies in the Events section. Also, we post all of our Assemblies and other events on Meetup.com.
My plus-one isn’t registered by name. Can he/she still get in?
Of course. The more the merrier!
I never RSVP'd. Can I still get in?
Sure. RSVPs help us plan for chairs and coffee, but this is a come-one-come-all kind of thing. We'd love to see you!
How can I volunteer with Sunday Assembly? There are lots of ways to get involved! We are always looking for speakers and readers, and people to share their meaningful personal moments for the Assemblies. Interested in serving on one of our committees or in one of our programs? Click here. Are you specifically interested in helping with service outreach projects? Click here. And if you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us via FB message.
Where can I buy a Sunday Assembly T shirt?
T-shirts are on sale at every Sunday Assembly for $25. 

Is Sunday Assembly San Diego a non-profit?
Yes we are! We are an entirely volunteer-led 501(c)(3) non-profit. Your donations are tax-deductible.You can see our bylaws and other organization documents here.

Where do my donations go?
100% of local donations, both in person and through the website, go toward local expenses (venue, chair rental, insurance, coffee, events, etc.). Sunday Assembly San Diego organizers are all volunteers. Each assembly, we aim to recover our expenses with donations.