Sunday Assembly San Diego is gearing up for the first ever The Sunday Assembly Worldwide "Day of Action!" on Saturday, June 7th. SASD will be contributing to this event by participating in a beach cleanup with the Surfrider Foundation San Diego County Chapter
Please join us at 9am on June 7th at the Oceanside Pier for a morning of cleaning up our gorgeous coastline.
Meet on the north side of the pier down on the beach. Bags and gloves will be provided, but we encourage you to bring your own reusable supplies if you have them.
Bring a picnic lunch along and stay after to enjoy the fruits of your labor and catch up with your fellow Assemblers. Visit the philanthropy table at the May 25th assembly to sign up and get details.
June 07, 2014 at 9:00am - 11am
Maren Castaneda

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