Ever wanted to see roller derby but never got around to it? Now's your chance! Women's San Diego roller derby teams "fight to the undeath" in a monsters and zombies-themed bout at Skateworld, in central San Diego on Linda Vista Road. Admission is $10 (cash and cards accepted), but kids get in free. The doors open at 5pm, and the bouts are from 6-8. Meet Steven and Laura at 5:45pm out in front and have a blast! For more info on the San Diego Rollerderby group, go to: http://sandiegorollerderby.com/2012/06/monster-smash/
For info about the Skateworld location, go to: http://skateworldsandiego.com/
If you desperately want to go (and who wouldn't?) but don't have a ride, please leave us a note here and we'll work it out. Also, our October Assembly is that morning at 11am, so we could match you with driver then.

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