Event Goodies

January 2014 


Size: Tabloid (11x17)

poster-jan-2014.pdf (300 dpi)

poster-jan-2014.jpg (72 dpi)



5.5 x 8.5  (single handout)

handouts-jan-2014.jpg (1 up / 300 dpi)


Letter (8.5 x 11) (2 up, landscape)

handouts-jan-2014.pdf (2 up / 300 dpi)



Name Tags

2.5 x 3.5

nametag-300dpi.jpg (300 dpi)

nametag-volunteer-300dpi.jpg (300 dpi)


Alternative Flier

Please print and share!


Letter (8.5 x 11) (4-up)



4.25 x 5.5 single flier



Showing 1 reaction

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  • Jeff Olson
    commented 2014-01-06 12:07:13 -0800
    Feel free to print and share!

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