Oh, Brother, Who Art Thou?
“We Are the Paradoxical Ape”
with Pascal Gagneux, UCSD Associate Professor, Department of Pathology
Humans share a common ancestor with chimpanzees and bonobos more recently than these two species do with other apes. We are the paradoxical ape because we are the only species with language and self-reflexive, cumulative culture. These traits have allowed our species to take over the world and cause the extinction of vast numbers of other species, including our closest relatives. UCSD Associate Professor of Pathology Pascal Gagneux will describe how scientists are using disciplines spanning social, biological, physical, and computational sciences to try to understand the human phenomenon and the similarities to and differences from our ape brethren.
Pascal Gagneux is a Swiss-American biologist trained in evolutionary biology, field primatology and molecular biology. He is Associate Professor of Pathology at UC San Diego as well as the Associate Director for CARTA, the Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny, a center dedicated to "exploring and explaining the Human Phenomenon.” His scientific journey has taken him from behavioral studies of wild chimpanzees in West Africa, to non-invasive genetic studies of wild chimpanzees, to the comparative study of cell surface sugars (glycobiology) in humans and other apes and the exploration of their roles in infectious disease and in reproductive compatibility.
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Sunday Assembly San Diego is a new radically inclusive secular community that meets monthly to hear inspirational talks, connect for service projects, sing songs and generally celebrate life. Assemblies are free to attend, and everyone is welcome.
Our motto: Live Better. Help Often. Wonder More.

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