August 20, 2023 - In Person and Zoom Assembly


Sunday Assembly San Diego has made the decision to cancel our Assembly this Sunday, August 20. Public officials are encouraging residents to cancel events on Sunday, and San Diego's mayor has urged us to be "part of the solution". One way we can do that is by urging people to stay home and off the roads. *Insert sad kazoo noises*

Our scheduled speaker, Scott Paulson, has graciously agreed to speak at our January 2024 Assembly.

Other ways we can help prepare for the storm are cleaning our sidewalks and storm drains, cleaning gutters, moving trash cans off the street and securing the lids, and getting sandbags at one of the multiple locations around San Diego County where they are available.

To report flooding or downed trees call (619) 527-7500.

For downed electrical lines, call SDG&E at (800) 411-7343.

Stay safe! We'll see each other again soon.

Consider the Kazoo

With roots in Africa -- in masked ceremonies where even voices were masked -- and delightful surprises through many recent and not-so-recent decades, the kazoo is so much more than an annoying party favor. Scott Paulson, Exhibits & Events Coordinator at the UC San Diego Library will regale us with examples of kazoo greatness. Speech therapists have employed them in rehab settings for adults. Child psychologists have found kazoos to be the ultimate ice-breaker. Since the very beginning of recorded music, musicians (even pop stars!) have snuck kazoo sounds into the very best recordings known. Yes, even Jimmy Hendrix found a spot for the kazoo in one of the many layers of his artistry. Kazoo knows what might happen at this assembly? (Sorry.)

And here's the Zoom link for anyone who wants to attend online:
Meeting ID: 885 6442 4355
Passcode: 30312

If you are new to Zoom, please watch this handy video about how to join a meeting.

In the corner of the box with your face in it, you can choose to hide yourself from your view, so you won't find looking at yourself so distracting. Also, it'll make more space on your screen to see others.

You may (but don't have to) RSVP on Meetup.

Sunday Assembly San Diego is an inclusive non-religious community that meets monthly to hear inspirational talks, connect for service projects, sing songs and generally celebrate life. Assemblies are free to attend, and everyone is welcome.

We are located at the Bankers Hill Club, which features an accessible facility, including accessible parking spots and bathrooms.

Stay after the assembly for coffee, snacks and to hang out with other assemblers, but for lunch, we are eating at Barrio Star after the Assembly! That info is in a separate Meetup event

We can't wait to see you all!

COVID-19 safety measures/info:
Event will be indoors

August 20, 2023 at 11:00am - 12:15pm
Bankers Hill Clubhouse aka San Diego Indoor Sports Club
3030 Front St
San Diego, CA 92103
United States
Google map and directions