August 15 2021 Zoom Assembly

Here's the link to the program and lyrics!


In 1961, the nearly intact remains of Vasa, a Swedish warship sunk on its maiden voyage in 1628, were recovered from Stockholm harbor. In the sixty years since, a lot of effort was focused on reconstructing the ship, putting all of the loose pieces of the hull and rigging back in their original places. Only recently have the archaeologists begun trying to reconstruct the people on board: their appearance, their dress, their lives. Fred Hocker, archaeologist, historian, and the director of research at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm, will share what we can and cannot know about people dead nearly 400 years, and how his team combines a wide range of techniques to reconstruct a person who lived in the 17th century.

The Zoom "doors" will open at 10:30, so folks can chat in breakout rooms with others before the assembly starts at 11. We will also use breakout rooms after the assembly so you can talk to the speaker, or chat with your fellow Earthlings until at least 1 PM, so please feel free to stay and chat in small groups!

The Zoom link and some pointers are below.

You won't need to RSVP with Zoom first, just use this link!
Meeting ID: 853 8591 3114
Passcode: 642742
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

If you are new to Zoom, please watch this handy video about how to join a meeting:

Quick suggestions for Zoom:

Use your headphones instead of the computer's/phone's speakers; it'll make hearing you easier when we break out into little chat groups.

If possible, please enable your video feed so we can see you! The speakers will then be able to see your beautiful faces and reactions, and it'll feel more like we are in person. If you have to walk away from or move your camera, please disable it until you get back. And yes, of course we want to see your cats.

In the corner of the box with your face in it, you can choose to hide yourself from your view, so you won't find looking at yourself so distracting. Also, it'll make more space on your screen to see others.

You may (but don't have to) RSVP on Meetup.

We can't wait to see you all!

August 15, 2021 at 11:00am - 12:15pm