Here's the link to the program and lyrics!
Flock Together
Each May, hundreds of millions of birds stream north for the summer, following the sun and all its riches to breeding sites across North America. They move through our neighborhoods, along our coasts, and through the air above us each night while we sleep, following the stars and Earth’s magnetic field. Birds are the only dinosaurs who survived the asteroid impact that ended the Cretaceous period. Over tens of millions of years, they have thrived and diversified into forms and lifestyles so fantastic that they defy imagination. David Jeffrey Ringer, former chief network and communications officer at the National Audubon Society, will share how birds' lives are deeply intertwined with our own, and how birds can tell us about the health of our own communities and what it means to be more fully human.
The Zoom "doors" will open at 10:30, so folks can chat in breakout rooms with others before the assembly starts at 11. We will also use breakout rooms after the assembly so you can talk to the speaker, or chat with your fellow Earthlings until at least 1 PM, so please feel free to stay and chat in small groups!
The Zoom link and some pointers are below.
You won't need to RSVP with Zoom first, just use this link!
Meeting ID: 884 8006 4159
Passcode: 873259
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,88480064159#,,,,*873259# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,88480064159#,,,,*873259# US (Houston)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
If you are new to Zoom, please watch this handy video about how to join a meeting:
Quick suggestions for Zoom:
Use your headphones instead of the computer's/phone's speakers; it'll make hearing you easier when we break out into little chat groups.
If possible, please enable your video feed so we can see you! The speakers will then be able to see your beautiful faces and reactions, and it'll feel more like we are in person. If you have to walk away from or move your camera, please disable it until you get back. And yes, of course we want to see your cats.
You'll be muted right when you get to the meeting, but worry not, there will be smaller groups during and after the assembly that you can use to talk to your fellow Earthlings.
In the corner of the box with your face in it, you can choose to hide yourself from your view, so you won't find looking at yourself so distracting. Also, it'll make more space on your screen to see others.
You may (but don't have to) RSVP on Meetup.
We can't wait to see you all!