February 2019 Assembly

Cosmology, Controversy, and Confirmation: Searching for the
Big Bang Amidst the Dust

Many of the great debates in Cosmology have been derailed by what scientists wanted to be true. Professor of Physics at UCSD's Center for Astrophysics & Space Sciences (CASS) Brian Keating describes how confirmation bias (and space dust) has influenced Cosmological discovery, from Galileo to Keating's own Bicep2 project. Dr. Keating's new book, Losing the Nobel Prize, was selected as one of the Best Science Books of the Year by Science Friday, Amazon, Science News, Physics Today, Forbes, and Symmetry Magazine. He will bring some copies to sell and sign!

Sunday Assembly San Diego is a radically inclusive non-religious community that meets monthly to hear inspirational talks, connect for service projects, sing songs and generally celebrate life. Assemblies are free to attend, and everyone is welcome.

February 17, 2019 at 11:00am - 12:15pm

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